Aviel D. Rubin, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Johns Hopkins University Founder
& Managing Partner, Harbor Experts |
Avi Rubin is a Computer Scientist with almost a decade
of industry experience followed by over 20 years in academia. After receiving
his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan in 1994, Dr.
Rubin worked as a researcher at Bellcore and then at AT&T Labs. In 2003, he
joined the Computer Science faculty at Johns Hopkins University and was
promoted to Full Professor with Tenure in 2004. During his over 20 years at
Johns Hopkins, Dr. Rubin was Technical Director of the JHU Information Security
Institute, along with his regular faculty position. In 2023, he was appointed
Computer Science Professor Emeritus at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Rubin is a frequent
keynote speaker at industry and academic conferences and delivered widely
viewed TED talks in 2011 and 2015. He has testified about information and
network security before Congress on multiple occasions and frequently testifies
as an expert witness in Federal court. His awards include Fulbright Scholar,
Baltimorean of the Year, and the EFF Pioneer Award.
- 1994, Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 1991, M.S.E., Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 1989, B.S., Computer Science (Honors),
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
September, 2023 - present
Emeritus, Johns Hopkins University
2004 - August, 2023
(with tenure), Johns Hopkins University
August, 2010 - July, 2011
Research Professor, Fulbright Scholar, Tel Aviv University, Israel
January, 2003 - April, 2004
Professor, Johns Hopkins University
January, 2003 - August, 2023
Director, Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute
2006 - 2010
and Principal Investigator (PI), NSF ACCURATE Center
1995 - 1999
Professor, New York University
Professor, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
1988 - 1993
Assistant, University of Michigan
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: David Inyangson,
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Logan Kostick,
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Atheer
Almogbil, JHU (May, 2024)
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Tushar Jois, JHU (May,
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Random Gwinn, JHU (May,
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Karl Siil,
JHU (May, 2022)
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: James Cervini, JHU (May,
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Jeff Chavis, JHU (May,
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Gabe Kaptchuk,
JHU (May, 2020)
Dissertation Committee: Thomas Tantillo,
JHU (September, 2018)
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Paul Martin, JHU
(February, 2016)
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Michael Rushanan, JHU (May, 2016)
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Ayo Akinyele,
JHU (December, 2013)
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Matthew Pagano, JHU
(August, 2013)
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Ryan Gardner, JHU
(August, 2009)
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Sam Small, JHU (May,
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Sujata Doshi, JHU (May,
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Joshua Mason, JHU (June,
Dissertation Committee: J. Alex Halderman,
Princeton University (May, 2009).
Dissertation Committee: Sophie Qiu (May, 2007).
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Adam Stubblefield (April,
Dissertation Committee: Kevin FU, MIT (February,
Dissertation Committee: Robert Fischer, Harvard
University (June, 2003).
Dissertation Committee: Marc Waldman, New York
University, (April, 2003).
Dissertation Committee: Patrick McDaniel, U. of
Michigan (September, 2001).
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Fabian Monrose, New York University (April, 1999).
Dissertation Committee: Mike Just, Carleton
University (November, 1998).
Dissertation Committee: Trent Jaeger, University
of Michigan (October, 1996).
2011 - present
Experts, Founder & Managing Partner
Harbor Labs, Founder
2005 - 2011
Security Evaluators, Founder & President
1997 - 2002
Labs -- Research, Secure Systems Research Department
1994 - 1996
Cryptography and Network Security Research Group
Summer, 1990
Lakes Software Co., Programmer, Howell, MI
Summer, 1989
Programmer, Meyers Corners Lab, Poughkeepsie, NY
- Aviel D. Rubin, Brave New Ballot, Random
House, (September, 2006).
- William R. Cheswick, Steven M. Bellovin
and Aviel D. Rubin, Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily
Hacker (2e), Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., (February, 2003).
- Chapter 4, Communications
Policy and Information Technology: Promises, Problems, Prospects, MIT
Press, Lorrie Faith Cranor and Shane Mitchell Greenstein, eds., (2002).
- Aviel D. Rubin, Whitehat Security Arsenal,
Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., (June, 2001).
- Chapter 8,
Publius and Chapter 14, Trust in Distributed Systems, Marc Waldman,
Lorrie Faith Cranor, and Aviel D. Rubin, PeertoPeer,
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., (February, 2001).
- Aviel D. Rubin, Daniel Geer, Marcus J. Ranum, Web Security Sourcebook, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc , (June, 1997).
- Ph.D. dissertation: Nonmonotonic Cryptographic Protocols, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor (April, 1994).
- David Kotz, Kevin Fu, Carl Gunter, Avi Rubin, Security
for Mobile and Cloud Frontiers in Healthcare, Communications of the ACM
(July, 2015).
- Ayo Akinyele, Christina
Garman, Matthew D. Green, Ian Miers, Matthew Pagano, Aviel D. Rubin, Michael Rushanan, Charm: A Framework for Rapidly Prototyping
Cryptosystems, Journal of Cryptographic Engineering (JCEN), (January,
- Ryan Gardner, Sujata Garera,
and Aviel D. Rubin, Detecting Code Alteration by Creating a Temporary Memory
Bottleneck, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security:
Special Issue on Electronic Voting, (December, 2009).
- Matt Blaze, John Ioannidis, Angelos D. Keromytis, Tal Malkin, Avi Rubin, Anonymity in Wireless
Broadcast Networks, International Journal of Network Security (IJNS),
(January, 2008).
- Stephen Bono, Aviel Rubin, Adam Stubblefield, and
Matthew Green, Security Through Legality, Communications of the ACM
(June, 2006).
- Adam Stubblefield, Dan S. Wallach, and Aviel D. Rubin,
Managing the Performance Impact of Web Security, Electronic Commerce
Research Journal, February, 2005.
- David Jefferson, Aviel D. Rubin, Barbara Simons, David
Wagner, Analyzing Internet Voting Security, Communications of the ACM
(October, 2004).
- Simon Byers, Aviel D. Rubin, and David Kormann, Defending Against an Internet-based Attack on
the Physical World, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), August,
- Adam Stubblefield, John Ioannidis, and Aviel D. Rubin,
A Key Recovery Attack on the 802.11b Wired Equivalent Privacy Protocol (WEP)
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, May, 2004.
- Aviel D. Rubin, Security Considerations for Remote
Electronic Voting, Communications of the ACM (December, 2002).
- Marc Waldman, Aviel D. Rubin, and Lorrie F. Cranor, The
Architecture of Robust Publishing Systems, ACM Transactions on Internet
Technology (TOIT), (November, 2001).
- David P. Kormann and Aviel
D. Rubin, Risks of the Passport Single-Signon
Protocol, Computer Networks, (July, 2000).
- Christian Gilmore, David P. Kormann,
and Aviel D. Rubin, Secure Remote Access to an Internal Web Server, IEEE
Network, (November, 1999).
- Fabian Monrose and Aviel D.
Rubin, Keystroke Dynamics as a Biometric for Authentication, Future
Generation Computer Systems, (March, 2000).
- Michael K. Reiter and Aviel D. Rubin, Anonymity
Loves Company: Anonymous Web Transactions with Crowds, Communications of
the ACM (February, 1999).
- Aviel D. Rubin and Daniel E. Geer, Jr., Mobile Code
Security, IEEE Internet Computing (November/December, 1998).
- Aviel D. Rubin and Daniel E. Geer, Jr., A Survey of
Web Security, IEEE Computer, (September, 1998).
- Michael K. Reiter and Aviel D. Rubin, Crowds:
Anonymity for Web Transactions, ACM Transactions on Information and System
Security, (June, 1998).
- Aviel D. Rubin, An Experience Teaching a Graduate
Course in Cryptography, Cryptologia (April,
- Aviel D. Rubin, Extending NCP for public Key
Protocols, Mobile Networks and Applications (ACM/Balzer), 2(3) (April,
- Aviel D. Rubin, Independent One-Time Passwords,
USENIX Journal of Computer Systems (February, 1996).
- Aviel D. Rubin, Secure Distribution of Documents in
a Hostile Environment, Computer Communications (June, 1995).
- Tushar Jois, Gabrielle Beck, Sofia Belikovetsky,
Joseph Carrigan, Alishah Chator,
Logan Kostick, Maximilian Zinkus,
Gabriel Kaptchuk, Aviel D. Rubin, SocIoTy:
Practical Cryptography in Smart Home Contexts, Privacy Enhancing
Technologies Symposium 2024 (PETS '24), (July, 2024).
- Atheer Almogbil , Momo Steele , Sofia Belikovetsky
, Adil Inam, Olivia Wu, Aviel Rubin, Adam Bates, Using
Behavior Monitoring to Identify Privacy Concerns in Smarthome
Environments, NDSS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Standardized IoT (SDIoTSec), (February, 2024).
- Samra Kasim, Nawal Valliani,
Nelson Ka Ki Wong, Shahin Samadi, Lanier Watkins and
Aviel Rubin, Explainable Autonomic Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems,
IEEE 13th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC),
(March, 2023).
- Valeti Manoj, Shao Wenda, Niu Sihan, Christopher Rouff, Lanier Watkins, Aviel Rubin, Cybersecurity as a
Tic-Tac-Toe Game Using Autonomous Forwards (Attacking) And Backwards (Defending)
Penetration Testing in a Cyber Adversarial Artificial Intelligence System,
IEEE International Conference of Computer Science and Information Technology
(ICOSNIKOM),(October, 2022).
- James Cervini & Aviel D. Rubin, Don’t Drink the
Cyber: Extrapolating the Possibilities of Oldsmar’s Water Treatment Cyberattack,
ICCWS 17th International Conference on Cyber W arfare
and Security, (July, 2022).
- Gabriel Kaptchuk, Tushar
Jois, Matthew Green, Aviel Rubin, Make Steganography Great Again — Before
It's Too Late, Real World Crypto 2022, (April, 2022).
- James Cervini, Daniel Muller, Alexander Beall, Joseph Maurio, Aviel Rubin & Lanier Watkins, A Backfit
Approach for Trusted Virtualization-Based Programmable Logic Controller
Resilience, Sixteenth Annual IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on
Critical Infrastructure Protection, (March, 2022).
- Hedin Beattie, Lanier Watkins, William H. Robinson,
Aviel Rubin, Shari Watkins, Measuring and Mitigating Bias in AI-Chatbots,
2022 IEEE International Conference on Assured Autonomy (ICAA'22), (March,
- Random Gwinn, Mark Matties, Aviel D. Rubin, Wavelet
Selection and Employment for Side-Channel Disassembly, IEEE International
Conference on Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE),
(December, 2021).
- Karl A Siil , Aviel D. Rubin , Matthew C. Elder, Anton T Dahbura, Matthew Green, Lanier Watkins, Cost-Effective
Mission Assurance Engineering Through Simulation, The 2021 International
Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems (IoTaIS’21), (November,
- Gabriel Kaptchuk, Tushar
Jois, Matthew Green, Aviel Rubin, Meteor: Cryptographically Secure
Steganography for Realistic Distributions, 28th ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security (CCS '21), (November, 2021).
- James Schaffter, Aviel Rubin
and Lanier Watkins, A Containerization-Based Backfit Approach for Industrial
Control System Resiliency, SafeThings '21
Workshop, (May, 2021).
- Tushar Jois, Claudia Moncaliano,
Khir Henderson, Aviel D. Rubin, WDPKR: Wireless
Device Profiling Kit and Reconnaissance, 2021 Hot Topics in the Science of
Security (HotSoS) Symposium (April, 2021).
- Lanier Watkins, ChangHao
Cho, John Hurley, Aviel D. Rubin, Collaborative Global Impact Cloud
Computing Risk Assessment Framework, International IoT, Electronics and
Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS '21), (April, 2021).
- Jeffrey S. Chavis, Malcom Doster, Michelle Feng, Syeda
Zeeshan, Samantha Fu, Elizabeth Aguirre, Antonio Davila, Kofi Nyarko, Aaron
Kunz, Tracy Herriotts, Daniel Syed, Lanier Watkins, Anna
Buczak, Aviel Rubin, A Voice Assistant for IoT
Cybersecurity, Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC '21), (March,
- Lanier Watkins, Danzel
Hamilton, Kevin Kornegay, Aviel Rubin, Triaging Autonomous Drone Faults by
Simultaneously Assuring Autonomy and Security in Autonomous Drones, 55th
Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS '21), (March,
- Lanier Watkins, James Ballard, Kevin Hamilton, William
H. Robinson, Aviel Rubin, Cleon Davis, Bio-Inspired, Host-based Firewall
(Refereed WIP paper), 23rd IEEE International Conference on Computational
Science and Engineering (CSE), (December, 2020).
- Lanier Watkins, Yue Yu, Sifan Li, William H. Robinson,
Aviel D. Rubin, Using Deep Learning to Identify Security Risks of Personal
Mobile Devices in Enterprise Networks, The 11th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous
Computing, Electronics, and Mobile Communications Conference (UEMCON),
(October, 2020).
- Lanier Watkins, Kevin D. Fairbanks, Chengyu Li, Mengdi Yang, William H. Robinson, Aviel D. Rubin, A
Black Box Approach to Inferring Characterizing, and Breaking Native Device
Tracking Autonomy, The 11th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics,
and Mobile Communications Conference (UEMCON), (October, 2020).
- Karl Siil, Aviel Rubin,
Matthew Elder, Anton Dahbura, Matthew Green, Lanier
Watkins, Mission Assurance for Autonomous Undersea Vehicles, IEEE
Workshop on Assured Autonomous Systems (WAAS), (May, 2020).
- Jeffrey Chavis, Aaron Kunz, Lanier Watkins, Anna Buczak, Aviel Rubin, A Capability for Autonomous IoT
System Security: Pushing IoT Assurance to the Edge, IEEE Workshop on
Assured Autonomous Systems (WAAS), (May, 2020).
- Lanier Watkins, Shane Sartalamacchia,
Richard Bradt, Karan Dhareshwar, Harsimar Bagga,
William H. Robinson, Aviel Rubin, Defending Against Consumer Drone Privacy
Attacks: A Blueprint For A Counter Autonomous Drone
Tool, ISOC Workshop on Decentralized IoT Systems and Security (DISS 2020),
(February, 2020).
- Adrian Cartagena, Gerald Rimmer, Thomas Van Dalsen, Lanier Watkins, William H. Robinson, Aviel D.
Rubin, Privacy Violating Opensource Intelligence Threat Evaluation
Framework: A Security Assessment Framework for Critical Infrastructure Owners,
10th Annual Computing and Communications Workshop and Conference (IEEE CCWC
2020), (January, 2020).
- Jeffrey Chavis, Lanier Watkins, Anna Buczak, Aviel D. Rubin, Connected Home Automated
Security Monitor (CHASM): Protecting IoT Through Application of Machine
Learning, 10th Annual Computing and Communications Workshop and Conference
(IEEE CCWC 2020), (January, 2020).
- Lanier Watkins, Shreya Aggarwal, Omotola
Akeredolu, William H. Robinson and Aviel D. Rubin, Tattle
Tail Security: An Intrusion Detection System for
Medical Body Area Networks, Workshop on Decentralized IoT Systems and
Security (DISS ’19), (February, 2019).
Lanier Watkins,
Juan Ramon, Gaetano Snow, Jessica Vallejo, William H. Robinson, Aviel D. Rubin,
Joshua Ciocco, Felix Jedrzejewski, Jinglun Liu, Chengyu Li, Exploiting Multi-Vendor Vulnerabilities
as BackDoors to Counter the Threat of Rogue Small
Unmanned Aerial Systems, ACM Workshop on Mobile IoT Sensing, Security, and
Privacy (Mobile IoT SSP '18), (June, 2018).
- Paul D. Martin, David Russel, Malek Ben Salem, Stephen
Checkoway, Aviel D. Rubin, Sentinel: Secure Mode
Profiling and Enforcement for Embedded Systems, Proc. ACM/IEEE
International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation,
(April, 2018).
- Gabriel Kaptchuk, Matthew D.
Green and Aviel D. Rubin, Outsourcing Medical Dataset Analysis: A Possible
Solution, Financial Cryptography Conference, (April, 2017).
- Michael Rushanan, David
Russell and Aviel D. Rubin, Mallory-Worker: Stealthy Computation and Covert
Channels using Web Workers, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop
on Security and Trust Management, (September, 2016).
- Paul Martin, Michael Rushanan,
Thomas Tantillo, Christoph Lehmann and Aviel Rubin, Applications
of Secure Location Sensing in Healthcare, Proceedings of the 7th ACM
Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics,
(October, 2016).
- Gabriel Kaptchuk and Aviel
D. Rubin, A Practical Implementation of a Multi-Device Split Application for
Protecting Online Poker, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Security
Conference, (March, 2016).
- Aviel D. Rubin, Taking Two-Factor to the Next
Level: Protecting Online Poker, Banking, Healthcare and Other Applications,
Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
Invited Keynote Essay, (December, 2014).
- Michael Rushanan, Aviel D.
Rubin, Denis Foo Kune, Colleen M. Swanson, Security and Privacy in
Implantable Medical Devices and Body Area Networks, IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy-SoK Track (May, 2014).
- Christina Garman, Matthew Green, Ian Miers, Aviel D.
Rubin, Rational Zero: Economic Security for Zerocoin
with Everlasting Anonymity, 1st Workshop on Bitcoin Research (March, 2014).
- Paul Martin, Aviel Rubin and Rafae
Bhatti, Enforcing Minimum Necessary Access in Healthcare Through Integrated
Audit and Access Control, Health Informatics Symposium at the ACM
Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Biomedical
Informatics, (September, 2013).
- Ian M. Miers, Christina Garman, Matthew D. Green,
Aviel D. Rubin, Zerocoin: Anonymous
Distributed e-Cash from Bitcoin, Proc. IEEE Symposium on Security and
Privacy (May, 2013).
- Ian M. Miers, Matthew D. Green, Christoph U. Lehmann,
Aviel D. Rubin, Vis-à-Vis Cryptography: Private and Trustworthy In-Person
Certifications, In Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX/HealthSec
Workshop, (August, 2012).
- Joseph A. Akinyele, Matthew
W. Pagano, Matthew D. Green, Christoph U. Lehmann, Zachary N. J. Peterson and
Aviel D. Rubin, Securing Electronic Medical Records Using Attribute-Based
Encryption On Mobile Devices, ACM CCS Workshop on
Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices, (October, 2011).
- Matthew D. Green, Aviel D. Rubin, A Research
Roadmap for Healthcare IT Security inspired by the PCAST Health Information
Technology Report 4-page Extended Abstract, In Proceedings of the 2nd
USENIX/HealthSec Workshop, (August, 2011).
- Ryan Gardner, Sujata Garera,
Aviel D. Rubin, Designing for Audit: A Voting Machine with a Tiny TCB,
Financial Cryptography Conference, (January, 2010).
- Ryan Gardner, Sujata Garera,
Matthew W. Pagano, Matthew D. Green, Aviel D. Rubin, Securing Medical
Records on Smart Phones, Workshop on Security and Privacy in Medical and
Home-Care Systems, (November, 2009).
- Ryan Gardner, Sujata Garera,
Aviel D. Rubin, Coercion Resistant End-to-end Voting, Financial
Cryptography Conference, (February, 2009).
- Ryan Gardner, Sujata Garera,
Anand Rajan, Carols Rozas, Aviel D. Rubin, Manoj Sastry, Protecting Patient
Records from Unwarranted Access, Future of Trust in Computing, (July,
- Sujata Garera, Niels Provos,
Monica Chew and Aviel D. Rubin, A Framework for Detection and Measurement of
Phishing Attacks, 5th ACM Workshop on Recurring Malcode
(WORM ‘07), (November, 2007).
- Sujata Garera and Aviel D.
Rubin, An Independent Audit Framework for Software Dependent Voting Systems,
14th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, (November, 2007).
- Ryan Gardner, Sujata Garera,
and Aviel D. Rubin, On the Difficulty of Validating Voting Machine Software
with Software, In Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting
Technology Workshop (EVT '07), (August, 2007).
- Sujata Doshi, Fabian Monrose,
and Aviel D. Rubin, Efficient Memory Bound Puzzles using Pattern Databases,
4th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS'06),
(June, 2006).
- Sophie Qiu, Patrick McDaniel, Fabian Monrose, and Aviel Rubin, Characterizing Address Use
Structure and Stability of Origin Advertisement in Interdomain Routing,
11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, (June 2006).
- Zachary Peterson, Randal Burns, Joseph Herring, Adam
Stubblefield, and Aviel D. Rubin, Secure Deletion for a Versioning
Filesystem, Proc. USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST
'05), (December, 2005).
- Stephen C. Bono, Matthew Green, Adam Stubblefield, Ari
Juels, Aviel D. Rubin, Michael Szydlo,
Security Analysis of a Cryptographically-Enabled RFID Device, 14th
USENIX Security Symposium, (August, 2005).
- Tadayoshi Kohno, Adam Stubblefield, Aviel D. Rubin,
and Dan S. Wallach, Analysis of an Electronic Voting System, Proc. IEEE
Symposium on Security and Privacy (May, 2004).
- Nathanael Paul, David Evans, Aviel D. Rubin and Dan
Wallach, Authentication for Remote Voting, ACM Workshop on Human-Computer
Interaction and Security Systems (April, 2003).
- Matt Blaze, John Ioannidis, Angelos D. Keromytis, Tal Malkin, and Aviel Rubin, Protocols for
Anonymity in Wireless Networks, Proc. 11th International Workshop on
Security Protocols (April, 2003).
- Geoffrey Goodell, William Aiello, Timothy Griffin,
John Ioannidis, Patrick McDaniel, Aviel Rubin, Working Around BGP: An
Incremental Approach to Improving Security and Accuracy of Interdomain Routing,
Proc. ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (February,
- Simon Byers, Aviel D. Rubin, David Kormann,
Defending Against an Internet-based Attack on the Physical World, ACM
Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (November, 2002).
- Adam Stubblefield, John Ioannidis, and Aviel D. Rubin,
Using the Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir Attack to Break WEP, Proc. ISOC
Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (February, 2002).
- Aviel D. Rubin, Security Considerations for Remote
Electronic Voting, 29th Research Conference on Communication,
Information and Internet Policy (TPRC2001), (October, 2001).
- Aviel D. Rubin and Rebecca N. Wright, Offline
generation of limited-use credit card numbers, Financial Cryptography
Conference, (February, 2001).
- Marc Waldman, Aviel D. Rubin, and Lorrie F. Cranor, Publius,
A robust, tamper-evident and censorship-resistant web publishing system,
9th USENIX Security Symposium, (August, 2000).
- David P. Kormann and Aviel
D. Rubin, Risks of the Passport Single Sign-on Protocol, 9th
International World Wide Web Conference, (May, 2000).
- Patrick McDaniel and Aviel D. Rubin, A Response to
"Can we Eliminate Certificate Revocation Lists?", Financial
Cryptography Conference, (February, 2000).
- William A. Aiello, Aviel D. Rubin, and Martin J.
Strauss, Using smartcards to secure a
personalized gambling device, 6th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security, (November, 1999).
- Ian Jermyn, Alain Mayer, Fabian Monrose,
Michael K. Reiter, and Aviel D. Rubin, The Design and Analysis of Graphical
Passwords, 8th USENIX Security Symposium, (August, 1999).
- Christian Gilmore, David Kormann,
and Aviel D. Rubin, Secure Remote Access to an Internal Web Server,
Proc. ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (February,
- Fabian Monrose, Peter
Wykoff, and Aviel D. Rubin, Distributed Execution with Remote Audit,
Proc. ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (February,
- Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K.
Reiter and Aviel D. Rubin, Secure Execution of Java Applets using a Remote
Playground, Proc. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (May, 1998).
- Aviel D. Rubin, Dan Boneh,
and Kevin Fu, Revocation of Unread Email in an Untrusted Network, Second
Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (July, 1997).
- Fabian Monrose and Aviel D.
Rubin, Authentication via Keystroke Dynamics, 4th ACM Conference on
Computer and Communications Security (April, 1997).
- David M. Martin, Siviramakrishnan
Rajagopalan, and Aviel D. Rubin, Blocking Java Applets at the Firewall,
Proc. ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (February,
Trent Jaeger,
Aviel D. Rubin and Atul Prakash, A System Architecture for Flexible Control
of Downloaded Executable Content, 5th International Workshop on Object-Orientation
in Operating Systems (October, 1996).
- Trent Jaeger, Aviel D. Rubin and Atul Prakash, Building
Systems that Flexibly Control Downloaded Executable Content, Proc. 6th
USENIX Security Symposium (July, 1996).
- Victor Shoup and Aviel D. Rubin, Session Key
Distribution Using Smart Cards, Proc. of Eurocrypt
'96 (May, 1996).
- Trent Jaeger & Aviel D. Rubin, Preserving
Integrity in Remote File Location and Retrieval, Proc. ISOC Symposium on
Network and Distributed System Security (February, 1996).
- Aviel D. Rubin, Extending NCP for Public Key
Protocols, Proc. IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer
Communications and Networks (September, 1995).
- Aviel D. Rubin, PseudoRandom
Functions for OneTime Passwords, Proc. 5th USENIX
UNIX Security Symposium (June, 1995).
- Aviel D. Rubin, Trusted Distribution of Software
Over the Internet, Proc. ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System
Security (February, 1995).
- Aviel D. Rubin & Peter Honeyman, Nonmonotonic
Cryptographic Protocols, Proc. IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop
VII (June, 1994).
- Aviel D. Rubin & Peter Honeyman, Long Running
Jobs in an Authenticated Environment, Proc. 4th USENIX UNIX Security
Symposium (October, 1993).
- Aviel D. Rubin, "Broadband Certified Mail", US
Patent Numbers 6,990,581, (January 24, 2006) and 9,876,769, (January 23,
- Aviel D. Rubin, Utilization of multiple devices to
secure online transactions, US Patent Number 9,064,376, (June 23, 2015).
- Steven M. Bellovin, Thomas
J. Killian, Bruce LaRose, Aviel D. Rubin, Norman L. Schryer,
Method and apparatus for connection to virtual private networks for secure
transactions, US Patent Numbers 8,239,531, (August 7, 2012) and 8,676,916
(March 18, 2014).
- Christian A. Gilmore, David P. Kormann,
and Aviel D. Rubin, Method and apparatus for secure remote access to an
internal web server, US Patent Number 7,334,126, (February 19, 2008).
- Aviel D. Rubin, "Method for secure remote
backup", US Patent Number 7,222,233, (May 22, 2007).
- Frederick Douglis, Michael
Rabinovich, Aviel D. Rubin, and Oliver Spatscheck,
"Method for content distribution in a network supporting a security
protocol", US Patent Number 7,149,803, (December 12, 2006).
- William A. Aiello, Steven M. Bellovin,
Charles Robert Kalmanek, Jr., William T Marshal, and
Aviel D. Rubin, "Method and apparatus for enhanced security in a broadband
telephony network", US Patent Number 7,035,410, (April 25, 2006).
- William A. Aiello, Aviel D. Rubin, and Martin J.
Strauss, "Using smartcards to enable probabilistic transaction on an
untrusted device", US Patent Number 6,496,808, (December 17, 2002).
- Aviel D. Rubin and Victor J. Shoup, "Session Key
Distribution Using Smart Cards", US Patent Number 5,809,140,
(September 15, 1998).
- Aviel D. Rubin, "Method for the Secure
Distribution of Electronic Files in a Distributed Environment", US
Patent Number 5,638,446, (June 10, 1997).
Director, Maryland Israel Development Center (MIDC), (2013-2018).
Director, USENIX Organization, elected by popular vote (2000-2004).
Chair: IEEE Security & Privacy Symposium Test of Time
Awards Committee for 2008-2010 Conferences, May, 2020.
Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on Information
Forensics and Security (2009 - 2011).
Associate Editor: Communications of the ACM
(CACM), 2009 - 2017.
Co-Editor: IEEE Transactions on
Information Forensics and Security: Special Issue on Electronic Voting,
December 1, 2009.
Co-Editor: IEEE Security &
Privacy Magazine, Special Issue on Electronic Voting, October/November, 2007.
Editor: IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering (20052006). Editorial and Advisory
Board: International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS)
(2004 - 2006).
Guest Co-Editor: IEEE Computer Networks, Special
Issue on Web Security, January, 2005.
Editorial Board: Journal of Privacy Technology
Co-Editor: IEEE Security &
Privacy Magazine, Special Issue on Electronic Voting Security,
January/February, 2004.
Member: Security Peer Review Group (SPRG) of the Federal
Voting Assistance Program's (FVAP) Secure Electronic Registration and Voting
Experiment (SERVE) Project, 2003 - 2004.
Member: DARPA Information Science And Technology Study Group (2003 - 2006).
Associate Editor: IEEE Security & Privacy
Magazine (2003 - 2011).
Editor: Communications of the ACM,
Special Issue on Wireless Networking Security, May, 2003.
Editor: ACM Transactions on Internet
Technology (20022005).
Committee Member: DIMACS Workshop
Series with Special Focus on Network Security (2002 - 2004).
Board Member: Information Security
and Cryptography Book Series, Springer, 2001- 2006.
Member: Steering Group, ISOC Symposium on Network and
Distributed System Security, 2001 - 2004.
Member: Government Infosec Science and Technology Study Group
on malicious code, 1999 - 2000.
Member: AT&T Internet Intellectual Property Review Team,
1999 - 2001. Associate Editor:
Electronic Commerce Research Journal, Baltzer Science Publishers, 1999 - 2002.
CoEditor: Electronic Newsletter of
the IEEE Technical Committee on Security & Privacy, with Paul Syverson,
Editorial Board: Bellcore Security Update
Newsletter, 1995 - 1996.
Committee member: NDSS Workshop:
Innovative Secure IT Technologies Against COVID19, San Diego, CA, February,
Committee member: Financial
Cryptography '15 Barbados, February, 2015.
Committee member: USENIX HealthTech Workshop on Health Information Technologies (HealthTech ’15), August 11, 2015.
Program Co-chair: (w/Eugene Vasserman) USENIX
HealthTech Workshop on Health Information
Technologies (HealthTech ’14), August 19, 2014.
committee member: 2nd USENIX Workshop
on Health Security & Privacy (HealthSec ’11),
August 9, 2011.
Program Co-chair: (w/Kevin Fu & Yoshi Kohno), 1st USENIX Workshop
on Health Security and Privacy (HealthSec '10),
August 10, 2010.
Committee member: First Security and
Privacy in Medical and HomeCare Systems Workshop
(SPIMACS), Chicago, IL, November 13, 2009.
Invited Talks
Co-Coordinator: 17th USENIX Security
Symposium, San Jose, CA, July 28 August 1, 2008.
Program Co-chair: (w/Patrick McDaniel): IEEE Symposium on Security and
Privacy, Oakland, California, May 1822, 2008.
Program Co-chair:
(w/Giovani Di Crescenzo): Financial Cryptography '06 Anguilla BWI, February,
Committee member: IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, May 9-12, 2004.
Committee member: Financial
Cryptography '04 Key West, Florida, February 9-12, 2004.
Committee member: 2nd ACM SIGSAC
Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society Washington D.C., October 30,
Committee member: 10th ACM Conference
on Computer and Communications Security, Washington D.C., October 27-30, 2003.
Committee member: 8th European
Symposium on Research in Computer Science (ESORICS), Norway, October 13-15,
Program Vice
Chair: Security and Privacy Track,
The Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May
2024, 2003.
Committee member: IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, May 1114, 2003.
Committee member: Workshop on
Security and Assurance in Ad hoc Networks, Orlando, FL, January 28, 2003.
Committee member: 4th International
Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS), Kent Ridge Digital
Labs (KRDL), Singapore December 912, 2002.
Committee member: ACM SIGSAC Workshop
on Privacy in the Electronic Society Washington D.C., November 21, 2002.
Committee member: 9th ACM Conference
on Computer and Communications Security, Washington D.C., November 1721, 2002.
Committee member: 5th International
Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR5), Montreal, Canada, October
2327, 2002.
Committee member: 2nd Symposium on
Requirements Engineering for Information Security (SREIS), Raleigh, North
Carolina, Oct 1415, 2002.
Committee member: 7th European
Symposium on Research in Computer Science (ESORICS), Zurich, Switzerland,
October 1416, 2002.
Committee member: 11th USENIX
Security Symposium, San Francisco, Ca, August 59, 2002.
Committee member: International
Workshop on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing at IEEE International Symposium
on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid'2002), Berlin, Germany, May 2124,
Committee member: 11th International
World Wide Web Conference Honolulu, Hawaii, May 711, 2002.
Committee member: 2nd Workshop on
Privacy Enhancing Technologies San Francisco, CA, April 1415, 2002.
Committee member: The 1st
International Workshop on PeertoPeer Systems
(IPTPS'02) MIT Faculty Club, Cambridge, MA, March 78, 2002.
Committee member: The 4th
International Conference on Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce Dallas,
TX, November, 2001. Program Committee
member: 10th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington D.C., August 1317, 2001.
Committee member: Financial
Cryptography '01 Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, BWI, February, 2001.
Program Co-chair: (w/Paul Van Oorschot): ISOC Symposium on Network and
Distributed System Security, San Diego, CA, February 79, 2001.
Committee member: The 3rd
International Conference on Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce Dallas,
TX, November 1619, 2000. Program Committee member: 9th USENIX Security
Symposium, Denver, Colorado, August 1417, 2000.
Committee member: Workshop on Design
Issues in Anonymity and Unobservability Berkeley, California, July 2526, 2000.
Committee member: Performance and
Architecture of Web Servers (PAWS), Santa Clara, CA, June 18, 2000.
Program Co-chair: (w/Gene Tsudik): ISOC
Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security, San Diego, CA, February
24, 2000.
Committee member: 1999 International
Information Security Workshop (ISW'99), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 67,
Committee member: 2nd Int'l.
Conference on Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce, Nashville, TN,
October 68, 1999.
Invited Talks
coordinator: 8th USENIX Security
Symposium, Washington D.C., August, 1999.
Program Chair: 24th USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Monterey,
CA, June 711, 1999.
Committee member: 8th International
World Wide Web Conference , Toronto, Canada, May 1114,
Committee member: 3rd USENIX workshop
on Electronic Commerce , Boston, MA, August 31 September 3, 1998.
Committee member: 5th ACM Conference
on Computer and Communications Security, San Francisco, CA, November 35, 1998.
Program Chair: 7th USENIX Security Symposium, San Antonio, TX, Jan.
2629, 1998.
Committee member: 4th ACM Conference
on Computer and Communications Security, Zurich, Switzerland, April 24, 1997.
Committee member: 6th USENIX Security
Symposium, San Jose, CA, July 2225, 1996.
Committee member: ISOC Symposium on
Network and Distributed System Security, San Diego, CA, February 2223, 1996.
Panelist: TLTF Conference: Shielding Your Business:
Cybersecurity & Vendor Risk Management, Miami, Florida (December 4, 2024).
Panelist: CyberTech Global
Conference: The Post-COVID Cyber Challenges in the Health Sector, UAE-Dubai
(April 6, 2021).
Organizer and Moderator: USENIX
Security Conference: The 2020 Election: Remote Voting, Disinformation, and
Audit (August 12, 2020).
Panelist: Cardozo Society Associated panel: Cybersecurity and
Privacy Law in the Digital Era, Baltimore, MD (February 19, 2020).
Panelist: Washington Post panel: Hacking Health, Washington DC
(June 14, 2016).
Panelist: Financial Cryptography Conference, Security &
Privacy, Barbados (February 24, 2016).
Panelist: RSA Conference, Social Networks Security Panel, San
Francisco, CA (April 21, 2015).
Panelist: Expert Witness in Mock Trial: FTC Data Security,
63rd American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting
Washington DC, (April 15, 2015).
Panelist: Security in Electronic Medical Records Databases,
Medicine 2.0 Workshop,
Haifa, Israel, (April 7, 2011).
Panelist: Security in the Cloud, Workshop on Cloud Security,
Israeli Defense Ministry, Tel Aviv, Israel, (February 15, 2011).
Panelist: Securing Information Technology in Healthcare
(SITH), Security and Usability of Electronic Health Records, Dartmouth College,
NH, (May 17, 2010).
Panelist: First Security and Privacy in Medical and HomeCare Systems Workshop (SPIMACS), Authentication in iHealthcare, Chicago, IL, (November 13, 2009).
Panelist: Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference, Internet
Voting for Overseas Americans, Washington DC, (June 4, 2009).
Panelist: Workshop on Electronic Voting, Electronic Voting:
Future Aspirations, Tel Aviv, Israel (May 18, 2009).
Panelist: RSA Conference, Exploiting Online Games, San
Francisco, CA (April 23, 2009).
Panelist: American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Revisiting the U.S. Voting System: A Research Inventory, Technology, Usability,
and Security panel, Washington DC, (November 27, 2006).
Panelist: California Secretary of State's Voting System
Testing Summit, Security Panel, Sacramento, CA, (November 2829, 2005).
Panelist: NIST Symposium on Voting System Threats,
Configuration and Usability Threats, Gaithersburg, MD, (October 7, 2005).
Panelist: Conference of State Supreme Court Chief Justices,
Voting Technologies, Charleston, SC (August 1, 2005).
Panelist: Workshop on observation of automated elections, The
Carter Center, Atlanta, GA (March 18, 2005).
Panelist: The Carter Center Venezuela Virtual Panel,
(November, 2004).
Panelist: Workshop on Voting, Vote Capture and Vote Counting,
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, The Technologies of Voting, Cambridge, MA
(June 1, 2004).
Panelist: Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of The
National Academy of Science Workshop on Dependable Software Systems, Case
Study: Electronic Voting Washington D.C. (April 20, 2004).
Panelist: USENIX Security 2003, Electronic Voting, Washington
D.C. (August 6, 2003).
Panelist: Democracy Now, 2003, Voter-Verifiable Elections: How
Do We Get There?, Washington D.C. (November 23, 2003).
Panelist: USENIX Security 2003, Electronic Voting, Washington
D.C. (August 6, 2003).
Panelist: IEEE Infocom 2002, Securing Wireless and Mobile
Networks, Is It Possible?, New York City (June 25,
Participant: 2002 Security Visionary Roundtable: A Roadmap for a
Safer Wireless World, Washington D.C., (May 5-7, 2002).
Panelist: Computers Freedom and Privacy 2002, Who Goes There?
Privacy in Identity and Location Services, San Francisco (April 18, 2002).
moderator: Conference on Democracy
and the Internet in an Enlarging Europe Overview of On-Line Voting: Systems and
Issues, New York, NY (March, 2001).
Panelist: Financial Cryptography 2001, The Business of
Electronic Voting, Grand Cayman (February, 2001).
National Science Foundation E-voting workshop, Washington, D.C., (October,
Panelist: 5th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security, Anonymity on the Internet, San Francisco, CA,
(November, 1998).
Panelist: Open Systems Security and ISSA Annual Conference,
Securing the Web, Orlando, FL (March, 1998).
organizer and moderator:
Implementation Issues for Electronic Commerce: What Every Developer Should
Know. ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security, (March, 1998).
organizer and moderator: Downloadable
Executable Content Past, Present and Future. ISOC Symposium on Network and
Distributed System Security (February, 1997).
Panelist: DIMACS Workshop on Network Threats, Web/Java
Security Issues, New Brunswick, NJ (December 5, 1996).
United Stated
House Committee on Administration, Full Committee Hearing, Exploring the Feasibility and Security of
Technology to Conduct Remote Voting in the House, Live via WebEx,
(July 17, 2020).
Maryland House,
Expert Testimony, Hearing on HB 888, Consumer Protection, Security Features for
Connected Devices, Economic Matters Committee, Annapolis, MD, (February 26,
Maryland Senate,
Expert Testimony, Hearing on SB 443 Security Features for Connected Devices,
Finance Committee, Annapolis, MD, (February 19, 2020).
Maryland Senate,
Expert Testimony, Hearing on SB 553/HB 1276 Security Features for Connected
Devices, Finance Committee, Annapolis, MD, (February 26, 2019). United States Pentagon, High Level Security
Briefing on the Security of Embedded Devices (January 15, 2014).
United Stated
House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Full Committee Hearing Is My Data on
Healthcare.gov Secure?, Washington, D.C., (November 19, 2013).
United Stated
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, hearing on electronic
voting, Washington, D.C., (April 18, 2007).
United Stated
House Committee on Appropriations, hearing on ensuring the integrity of
elections, Washington, D.C., (March 7, 2007).
Maryland Senate
Committee on Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs, Expert Testimony,
Hearing on Senate Bill 392 for VoterVerified Records
in Voting Systems, Annapolis, MD, (February 22, 2007).
Maryland House
Ways and Means Committee, Expert Testimony, Hearing on House Bill 18 for
improving voting systems in Maryland, Annapolis, MD, (February 1, 2007).
Maryland House
Ways and Means Committee, Expert Testimony, Hearing on House Bill 244 requiring
a voter verified paper record for voting machines in Maryland, Annapolis, MD,
(February 1, 2006).
United States
Election Assistance Commission, Hearing on Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines,
Expert Testimony, Panel on Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail, Washington D.C.
(June 30, 2005).
Senate hearing:
Voting in 2004: A Report to the Nation on America's Election Process, Expert
Testimony, Absentee Ballot Panel, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington,
DC (December 7, 2004).
United States
Election Assistance Commission, Technical Guidelines Development Committee,
Technology Panel, Expert Testimony, Public Hearings on Computer Security and
Transparency, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD,
(September 20, 2004).
United States
House Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental
Relations and the Census, Expert Testimony, Hearing on Electronic Voting,
Washington, D.C. (July 20, 2004).
United States
House Committee on House Administration, Expert Testimony, Hearing on Security
of Electronic Voting, Washington, D.C. (July 7, 2004).
United States
Federal Trade Commission, Written Expert Testimony, on a proposed Do Not Email Repository,
(May 10, 2004).
United States
Election Assistance Commission, Expert Testimony, Hearing on Electronic Voting
Security, Technology Panel, Washington D.C. (May 5, 2004).
Zoll Data Systems,
Inc. vs. Wave/Experian, Case # 24-cv-00584-DDD-KAS, Jones Day, United
States District Court, Central District of Colorado (Trade Secret)
Testimony at Preliminary Injunction hearing,
Denver, CO (February 27, 2025).
Investments, LLC, vs. Cisco Systems Inc.,
Case # 6:21-cv-00128-ADA; Susman Godfrey/Folio Law Group, United States
District Court, Western District of Texas. (Patent Infringement & Patent
Testimony at Trial, Waco, Texas (February 10 &
11, 2025).
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (March 30, 2023).
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (January 18 & 19, 2023).
Meta Platforms,
Inc. vs. Sitnet LLC, IPR2024-00529,
IPR2024-00530, IPR2024-00528, IPR2024-00612, Hecht Partners, US Patent Trial
and Appeal Board. (Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Austin, TX (February
7, 2025).
US Dominion, Inc.. vs. Newsmax Media Inc, Case # N21C-08-063 EMD, Susman
Godfrey, United States District Court, District of Delaware. (Defamation)
Expert Testimony
at deposition, West Palm Beach, FL (February 4, 2025).
Dr. Rachel Kent,
Class Representative vs. Apple Inc, Apple Distribution International Limited,
Case # 1403/7/7/21, Gibson
Dunn, Competition Appeal Tribunal, London, England. (App Store Security &
Testimony at Trial, London, England (January 27-28,
Virtru Corporation vs Microsoft Corporation, Case #1:22-cv-01309-DAE; Morrison
& Foerster, United States District Court, Western District of Washington.
Testimony at deposition, Stuart, FL
(December 20, 2024). (Patent Secondary Consideration and Non-infringing
Testimony at deposition, Stuart, FL
(December 19, 2024). (Patent infringement)
Google LLC vs.
Security First Innovations, IPR 2024-00212, IPR 2024-00214, IPR
2024-00215, Sullivan & Cromwell, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Stuart, FL (December
12, 2024).
Datavant, Inc vs.
Vigilitics, LLC, IPR 2024-00226, Fish
& Richardson, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Stuart, FL (November
22, 2024).
Proxense, LLC, vs. Google., Case # 6:23-cv-00320-ADA; Susman
Godfrey, United States District Court, Western District of Texas.
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (October 23, 2024), (Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (October 22, 2024), (Patent infringement)
Testimony at deposition, Key West, FL
(December 18, 2023), (Patent claim construction)
Robocast vs. Netflix Inc, Case # 1:22-cv-00305-JLH-CJB,
Latham & Watkins, United States District Court, District of Delaware.
(patent Non-infringement and patent invalidity)
Testimony at Deposition, Washington
DC, (August 28, 2024).
Epic Games, Inc.
& Anor vs. Apple Inc & Anor., Case # NSD 1236 of 2020, Gibson Dunn, Federal Court of Australia, District
of New South Wales. (App Store Security & Privacy)
Testimony at Trial, Melbourne, Australia (May 29, 2024).
Softex LLC vs Absolute Software Corporation, Dell Technologies
Inc, and HP Inc, Case
# 1:22-cv-01309-DAE; McKool Smith, United States
District Court, Western District of Texas. (Patent Claim Construction)
Testimony at deposition, Key West, FL
(November 27, 2023).
Corporation vs. Mediapointe, Inc, Case
# 2:22-cv-01009-MCS-MRW; Susman Godfrey, United States District Court, Central
District of California. (Patent Infringement & Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (September 29, 2023).
Technologies, Inc vs. Mediapointe, Inc,
Case # 2:22-cv-06233-MCS-AFM; Susman Godfrey, United States District Court,
Central District of California. (Patent Infringement & Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (September 22, 2023).
Lauri Valjakka vs. Netflix Inc, Case # 4:22-cv-01490-JST,
Perkins Coie, United States District Court, Northern District of California.
(patent Non-infringement and patent invalidity)
Testimony at Deposition, Annapolis,
MD (September 8, 2023).
TecSec Inc vs. Oracle, Case # 1:10CV 115 LO-TCB; Hunton &
Williams, United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia. (Patent
Infringement, Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (June 13, 2023).
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (September 11, 2020).
Global Eticket Exchange Ltd. vs. TicketMaster
LLC, Case # 6:21-cv-00399-ADA, Fish & Richardson, United States
District Court, Western District of Texas. (Patent Non-infringement
and validity)
Testimony at Trial, Waco, TX (May 3, 2023).
Testimony at Deposition, Annapolis,
MD (January 31, 2023).
Testimony at Deposition, Annapolis,
MD (January 16, 2023).
Fanduel, Inc vs. Winview, Inc, IPR
2022-01306, ArentFox Schiff, US Patent Trial and
Appeal Board. (Patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (April 20, 2023).
Fanduel, Inc vs. Winview, Inc, IPR
2022-01307, ArentFox Schiff, US Patent Trial and
Appeal Board. (Patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (April 19, 2023).
TecSec Inc vs. Cisco, Case # 1:10-CV 115 LO-TCB; Hunton &
Williams, United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia. (Patent
Infringement, Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Washington
DC (April 12, 2023).
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (September 14, 2020).
Finjan vs. Palo
Alto Networks, Case # 4:14‐CV‐04908‐PJH, Morrison and Foerster, United
States District Court, Northern District of California.
- Expert Testimony at Deposition, Annapolis, MD (March 17, 2022). (Patent Non-infringement and invalidity)
- Expert Testimony at Deposition, Annapolis, MD (March 15, 2022). Patent Non-infringement and invalidity)
Testimony at Deposition, Pikesville,
MD (August 16, 2021). (Claim Construction)
Networks, Inc. vs. Keysight Technologies, Inc., Investigation No.
337-TA-1314-MJM, Reed Smith LLP, United States International Trade Commission
(ITC). (Patent Non-infringement & Domestic Industry Technical Prong)
Testimony at Trial, Washington DC (March 6, 2023).
Testimony at Deposition, Las Vegas,
NV (December 2, 2022).
Proxense, LLC, vs. Samsung Electronics Co., Case # 6:21-cv-00210ADA;
Susman Godfrey, United States District Court, Western District of Texas.
(Patent Infringement & Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (January 12, 2023).
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (September 30, 2022).
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (September 29, 2022).
US Dominion, Inc.. vs. Fox News Network, Case # N21C-03-257-EMD, Susman
Godfrey, United States District Court, District of Delaware. (Defamation)
Expert Testimony
at deposition, Annapolis, MD (January 10, 2022).
Rimini Street,
Inc. vs. Oracle International
Corporation, et. al., Case # 2:14-CV-01699 LRHCWH, Gibson Dunn, United States
District Court, District of Nevada. (Software security)
Testimony at trial, Las Vegas, NV (December 9, 2022).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (August 30, 2018).
Milliman, Inc and Vigilytics LLC, vs.
Gradient A.I. Corp., Case # 1:21-cv-10865-NMG; K&L Gates, United States
District Court, District of Massachusetts. (Patent Claim Construction &
Patent Infringement)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (November 17, 2022).
IOEngine, LLC, vs. Ingenico Inc., Case # 1:18-cv-826 WCB; Dechert
LLP, United States District Court, District of Delaware. (Patent Infringement
& Patent Validity)
Testimony at trial, Wilmington, DE (July 12 & 14,
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (January 28, 2022).
Testimony at deposition, Bonita
Springs, FL (January 19, 2022).
Investments, LLC, vs. Microsoft
Corporation, Case # 6:20-cv-00464-ADA; Susman Godfrey, United States District
Court, Western District of Texas. (Patent Infringement and Patent Validity)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (May 15 & 16, 2022).
10Tales Inc. vs. TikTok PTE. LTD., Case # 4:21-cv-3868-YGR; Cozen
O'Connor, United States District Court, Northern District of California.
(Patent Claim Construction)
Testimony at deposition, Annapolis,
MD (May 11, 2022).
IOEngine, LLC, vs. PayPal Holdings, Inc., Case # 1:18-cv-452-WCB;
Dechert LLP, United States District Court, District of Delaware. (Patent
Testimony at deposition, Bonita
Springs, FL (January 18, 2022).
Testimony at deposition, Bonita
Springs, FL (January 26, 2022).
AGIS Software
Development LLC vs. Uber Technologies Inc., Case # 2:21-cv-00026-JRG-RSP,
Gibson Dunn, United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas. (Non-infringement)
Testimony at Deposition, Annapolis,
MD (December 22, 2021).
Sable Networks
vs. Splunk Inc., Case # 5:21-CV-00040-RWS, Morrison and Foerster, United
States District Court, Eastern District of Texas. (Claim Construction)
Testimony at Deposition, Annapolis,
MD (December 13, 2021).
Technologies Co. vs. Verizon Communications Inc., Case # 6:20-CV-00090,
Quinn Emanuel, United States District Court, Western District of Texas. (Patent
Non-infringement and patent invalidity)
Testimony at Deposition, Pikesville,
MD (July 1, 2021).
Epic Games, Inc.
vs. Apple Inc., Case # 4:20-cv-05640-YGR-TSH, Gibson Dunn, United States
District Court, Northern District of California. (Sherman Act)
Testimony at Trial, Oakland, CA (May 20-21, 2021).
Testimony at Deposition, Pikesville,
MD (March 26, 2021).
Philips North
America LLC ; Koninklujke
Philips N.V. vs. Summit Imaging Inc., Case # 2:19cv01745JLR, Seed IP,
United States District Court, Western District of Washington at Seattle. (DMCA
and Copyright)
Testimony at deposition, Pikesville,
MD (March 16, 2021).
Physicians Service, Inc D/B/A Blue Shield of California vs. Healthplan Services
Inc, Case # 3:18-cv-3730 Latham & Watkins, United States District Court, Northern
District of California. (Contract Dispute: Software Quality and Security)
Testimony at Deposition, Pikesville,
MD (March 9, 2021).
Finjan vs. Qualys
Inc., Case # 4:18-cv-07229-YGR, Wilson Sonsini, United States District
Court, Northern District of California. (patent invalidity and Non-infringement)
Testimony at Deposition, Pikesville,
MD (March 4, 2021).
Finjan vs. Sonicwall Inc., Case # 5:17-cv-04467-BLF-HRL,
Duane Morris, United States District Court, Northern District of California.
(patent invalidity and Non-infringement)
Expert Testimony
at deposition, Pikesville, MD (October 30, 2020).
Expert Testimony
at deposition, Pikesville, MD (October 29, 2020).
Limited vs. Facebook, Inc, Case #2:18-cv-01844
(KSx), Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP,
United States District Court, Central District of California. Expert Testimony
at Deposition, Baltimore, MD (December 20, 2019). (patent infringement &
patent validity)
Netfuel, Inc. vs. Cisco Systems, Inc, Case # 5:18-cv-2352-EJD,
Susman Godfrey, United States District Court, Northern District of California.
Expert Testimony
at Deposition, Baltimore, MD (December 16 & 17, 2019). (patent infringement
& patent validity)
Expert Testimony
at Deposition, Baltimore, MD (June 11, 2019). (patent infringement)
Expert Testimony
at Markman Hearing, San Jose, CA (February 28, 2019). (courtroom tutorial)
Expert Testimony
at deposition, Baltimore, MD (December 20, 2018). (claim construction)
Corporation vs. Zscaler, Inc., Case #
3:17-CV-04414-JST, Baker Botts, United States District Court, Northern District
of California.
Testimony at Deposition, Baltimore,
MD (December 6, 2019). (patent infringement)
Testimony at Deposition, Baltimore,
MD (August 2, 2019). (Assignor Estoppel)
Koninklijke Philips vs. Microsoft Inc, Case # 4:18-cv-01885-HSG,
Perkins Coie, United States District Court, Northern District of California.
(patent Non-infringement and patent invalidity)
Testimony at Deposition, Baltimore,
MD (July 17, 2019).
Cypress Lake
Software, Inc. vs. Samsung
Electronics & Dell Inc, Case # 6:18-cv-030-JKD and 6:18cv0138JDK, Garteiser Honea, United States District Court, Eastern
District of Texas. (patent infringement and patent validity)
Expert Testimony
at Deposition, Baltimore, MD (July 1011, 2019).
Finjan vs. Juniper
Networks, Case # 3:17-cv-05659-WHA , Irell and Manella, United States District Court, Northern
District of California.
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (April 2, 2019). (patent Non-infringement)
Testimony at deposition, San
Francisco, CA (March 9, 2019). (patent Non-infringement)
Testimony at trial, San Francisco, CA (December 13,
2018). (patent Non-infringement and invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (November 9, 2018). (patent Non-infringement and
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (July 6, 2018). (patent Non-infringement)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (June 12, 2018). (patent Non-infringement)
Grace et. al. vs.
Apple Inc., Case # 5:17-CV-00551LHK (NC), Durie Tangri,
United States District Court, Northern District of California. (class action)
Testimony at deposition, Towson, MD
(September 26, 2018).
Grace et. al. vs.
Apple Inc., Case # 5:17-CV-00551-LHK (NC), Kirkland & Ellis, United
States District Court, Northern District of California. (class certification)
Testimony at deposition, Pikesville,
MD (July 3, 2018).
F5 Networks,
Inc. vs. Radware, LTD., IPR 2017-00124,
Perkins Coie, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (January 24, 2018).
Inc., Hulu, LLC, and Netflix, Inc,
vs. Uniloc Luxembourg S.A., IPR 201700948, Perkins
Coie, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (October 9, 2017).
Phishme, Inc. vs. Wombat Technologies, Inc, Case #
16403-LPS-CJB, K&L Gates, United States District Court, Delaware. (patent
claim construction)
Testimony at deposition, Washington
DC, (October 5, 2017).
Finjan vs. Symantec
Corporation., Case # 14-cv-02998-HSG, Quinn Emanuel, United States District
Court, Northern District of California. (patent invalidity and Non-infringement)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (September 14-15, 2017).
Kudelski SA,
Nagra USA, Inc., Nagravision SA, and OpenTV, Inc. vs.
Comcast Corporation, Case # 2:16-cv-1362-JRG, Covington, United States District
Court, Eastern District of Texas. (patent claim construction).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (September 1, 2017).
F5 Networks,
Inc. vs. Radware, LTD., IPR 2017-00124,
Perkins Coie, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (August 10, 2017).
Ventures vs. JP Morgan Chase & Co., Case # 1:13-cv-03777, Kirkland
& Ellis, United States District Court, Southern District of New York.
(Patent Non-infringement).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (June 1, 2017).
Nader AsghariKamrani and Kamran AsghariKamrani
vs. United Services Automobile Association. Case # 2:15-CV-478, Fish
& Richardson, United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia.
(Patent Written Description Support related to Inequitable Conduct).
Testimony at trial, Norfolk, VA (April 21, 2017).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (March 21, 2017).
Sabre GLBL Inc, vs. HP Enterprise Services LLC. Case # 1310022761,
JAMS Binding Arbitration Hearing, Dallas, TX (Contract dispute).
Testimony at arbitration hearing,
Dallas, TX (April 5, 2017).
Al Cioffi et.
al. vs. Google, Case #
2:13cv103JRGRSP, Vasquez, Benisek & Lindgren,
United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas. (patent Infringement).
Testimony at trial, Marshall, TX (February 7, 2016).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (September 26, 2016).
Palo Alto
Networks vs. Finjan, IPR 2015-01979,
Cooley, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (November 14, 2016).
Palo Alto
Networks vs. Finjan, IPR 2016-00151,
Morrison & Foerster, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (August 19, 2016).
Palo Alto
Networks vs. Finjan, IPR 2015-01974,
Cooley, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (August 2, 2016).
Palo Alto
Networks vs. Finjan, IPR 2015-02001
& IPR 2016-00157, Cooley, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (patent
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (July 26 & 27, 2016).
Inc vs. Zitovault,
LLC, IPR 2016-00021, Perkins Coie, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (patent
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (July 22, 2016).
Palo Alto
Networks vs. Finjan, IPR 2015-01979,
Cooley, US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. (patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (May 20, 2016).
Vir2us Inc. v. Invincea, Inc. and Invincea
Labs, LLC, Case # 2:15-cv-l62; Cooley, United States District Court,
Eastern District of Virginia. (Patent Non-infringement and Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Reston, VA
(April 20, 2016).
TVIIM. v. McAfee
Inc., Case # 3:13-cv-04545-VC; Wilmer Hale, United States District Court,
District of N. California. (Patent Non-infringement and Invalidity)
Testimony at trial, San Francisco, CA (July, 2015).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (February, 2015).
Ventures vs. Symantec, Case # 1:10-cv-01067-LPS; Latham & Watkins,
United States District Court, District of Delaware. (Patent Invalidity)
Testimony at trial, Wilmington, DE (February, 2015).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (May, 2013).
Rovi Solutions
& Veracode vs. Appthority, Case # 1210487-DPW; Goodwin Procter, United
States District Court, District of Massachusetts. (Patent Infringement and
Testimony at trial, Boston, MA (August 11, 2014).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (April 4, 2014).
Juniper vs. Palo Alto Networks, Case # 1:11-CV-01258-SLR; Irell & Manella, United States District Court, District
of Delaware. (Patent Infringement)
Testimony at trial, Wilmington, DE (February, 2014).
Testimony in court hearing,
Wilmington, DE (November 14, 2013).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (June, 2013).
Technologies. v. Adobe Systems Inc., Case # 8:10-cv-00220-LEST-DT; DLA
Piper, United States District Court, District of Nebraska. (Patent Invalidity)
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (August, 2012).
Finjan Inc. vs. McAfee,
Inc., Case # 10593 (GSM), Kirkland & Ellis, United States
District Court, District of
Delaware. (Patent Non-infringement)
Testimony at deposition, Washington,
DC (June, 2012).
Avaya Inc. vs. Telecom
Labs Inc,. TeamTLI.com Corp., and Continuant
Technologies, Case # 3:06-cv-02490 (GEB); K&L Gates, United States
District Court, District of New Jersey. (Contract Dispute)
Testimony at deposition, Newark, NJ
(August, 2011).
Automotive vs. Johnson Controls Inc
(JCI), Case # 04-CV-73461; Flachsbart & Greenspoon,
United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan. (Patent Infringement
and Validity)
Testimony at trial, Detroit, MI (February, 2011).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (December, 2005).
TecSec Inc vs. International Business Machines Corporation, Case
# 1:10-CV-115-LMB/TCB; Hunton & Williams, United States District Court,
Eastern District of Virginia. (Patent Infringement)
Testimony at deposition, Newark, NJ
(November, 2010).
Echostar Satellite
Corporation vs. NDS Group, Case # SA-CV-03950-DOC(JTL); T. Wade Welch & Associates, United
States District Court, Central District of California. (Copyright and DMCA)
Testimony at trial, Santa Ana, CA (April, 2008).
Testimony at deposition, Santa Ana,
CA (April, 2008).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (October, 2007).
Web.com Inc vs. The Go Daddy Group Inc., Case # CV-0701552-PHX-MHM;
Graves Law Office, United States District Court, Arizona. (Patent Infringement)
Expert Testimony at Markman hearing, Phoenix, Az (July, 2008).
Testimony at deposition, Baltimore,
MD (May, 2008).
z4 Technologies
vs. Microsoft & Autodesk, Case # 2:04-CV-00335-LED; Fish & Richardson,
United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas. (Patent Non-Infringement
and Invalidity)
Testimony at trial, Tyler, TX, (April, 2006).
Testimony at deposition, Washington
DC (January, 2006).
Linda Schade vs. Linda Lamone et. al.,
Trial on the Legality of Paperless Voting Machines in Maryland. (Adequacy of
Voting Equipment)
Testimony at trial, Annapolis, MD (August 25, 2004).
2020, Best
Paper Award, in the category of Mobile & Wireless Computing, 11th IEEE
Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics, and Mobile Communications Conference
(UEMCON), October, 2020.
2020, Best
Paper Award, in the category of Image Processing & Multimedia
Technology, 11th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics, and Mobile
Communications Conference (UEMCON), October, 2020.
IEEE Computer
Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy, Distinguished Service
Award, May, 2020.
Scholar in Israel at Tel Aviv
University, academic year 2010-2011.
2009, Google
Research Award, Securing Medical Records on Smartphones.
Chosen as one of 54
favorite people, places and things in Jewish Baltimore, Baltimore Jewish
Times, February 22, 2008.
2007 Award for
Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies, for Security
Analysis of a Cryptographically Enabled RFID Device (with Stephen C. Bono,
Matthew Green, Ari Juels, Adam Stubblefield, Michael Szydlo).
2005 Best
Student Paper Award at the 14th USENIX Security Symposium, Security
Analysis of a CryptographicallyEnabled RFID Device
(with Stephen C. Bono, Matthew Green, Ari Juels, Adam
Stubblefield, Michael Szydlo).
2004 Electronic
Frontiers Foundation Pioneer Award.
Baltimorean of
the Year, Baltimore Magazine,
January, 2004.
2001 Index on
Censorship Freedom of Expression Award for the Best Circumvention of
Censorship for the Publius project.
2000 Best
Paper Award at the 9th USENIX Security Symposium, A robust, tamper-evident
and censorship-resistant web publishing system (with Marc Waldman and Lorrie
1999 Best
Paper Award & Best Student Paper Award at the 8th USENIX Security
Symposium, The Design and Analysis of Graphical Passwords (with Ian Jermyn,
Alain Mayer, Fabian Monrose, and Michael K. Reiter).
1996 Coauthor of Best
Student Paper, Building Systems that Flexibly Control Downloaded Executable
Content, at the 6th USENIX UNIX Security Symposium. Student: Trent Jaeger.
1992 National
Science Foundation Fellowship Summer Institute in Japan
1986 Branstrom Prize, University of Michigan